Optimize your production plan... Optimize your optimizers
Like most companies, you've invested millions in machine center optimizers throughout your mill. But does that mean your operations are truly optimal? In most cases the answer is no.
Machine center optimizers give you the power to control production mix, and also mill flow. But to do so, they must be configured with appropriate parameters - primarily "decision values" and processing "penalty costs". Until now, mills have - at best - generated these key parameters on an "ad hoc" basis. The result is that most mills operate at a substantially sub-optimal level.
To address this issue, HALCO has developed the WSO™ Production Planning Optimization system. WSO™ determines:
WSO™ combines HALCO's SAWSIM® program with linear programming optimization in a proprietary iterative technique, to determine optimum production plans and machine center optimizer parameters.
The primary inputs to WSO™ are:
From these inputs, WSO™ determines:
1. The optimum (most profitable) production mix
2. The machine center optimizer parameters required to produce that mix:
3. Sales target feedback to the marketing department
WSO™ benefits come from:
Please click here to download a WSO™ brochure
Please click here to download a WSO™ quick overview