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The SETGEN™ Set-Table Pattern Generator System

  • The SETGEN program is designed for applications where there is a primary breakdown scanning system with sets stored in a set-table.
  • It allows sets to be easily updated when market prices, inventory levels, or the desired market focus changes, or easily modified to consider different products (such as export products) in addition to traditional domestic products.
  • SETGEN™ users have reported lumber recovery improvements of up to 10 percent, along with significant increases in average sales return resulting from improved lumber mix. The return-on-investment resulting from improvements to set-tables will greatly exceed almost any capital project that could be undertaken for a mill.

SETGEN™ Features Include:

  • Ability to define the log breakdown which accurately represents the mill, including: different saw kerfs and target sizes for different machines and production of many lumber sizes, with different wane rules for different products.
  • Consideration in the sawing calculations and optimum set selections of:
    • imperfect manual edging and trimming
    • potential mill bottleneck locations
    • effect on log positioning of stepped bottom feed chains
  • Selection of the "safest" set from all possible sets of equal (or near-equal) value. This allows one to build an allowance in the sets for the effects of sweep in actual logs. This feature alone can give large improvements in lumber recovery.
  • Ability to "force" solutions in certain diameter/length/taper classes, giving greater control to produce the desired production mix and to eliminate any "unreasonable" optimum sets.
  • Ability to review the selected sets either on the screen or in printouts, with both end-view and sophisticated 3-dimensional log plots.
  • Ability to tally the results of sawing a representative log mix with a set-table produced by the system, to determine the effects of a new set-table on:
    • Product distribution
    • Lumber recovery and total product value recovery
    • Mill flow.
  • With this off-line simulation function, costly "trial-and-error" testing of new set-tables in actual mill operation can be avoided.

The SETGEN™ System includes:

  • Custom programming to produce the set-table format required by a particular system.
  • Preparation of an initial data set, and production of an initial set-table.
  • System manuals, user training, and on-going technical support.

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